Urki Foundation

Non-profit institution for pedagogical innovation and development in the field of education

We are Urki Foundation

Set in Bilbao, the Urki Foundation is a non-profitmaking institution whose main objective is to promote cultural, educational and training activities as well as research work into the pedagogical field and other related sciences.

It was born in 1990 thanks to the vision and initiative of a group of people who, worried about the educational panorama, decided to set up this Foundation with a view to offering society quality, creative and innovative education, based on values.

“Education doesn’t change the world, it changes people who  will change the world”

Paulo Freire



Assisting parents with their children´s educational task.


Improving teaching quality.


Promoting educational research in order to give an answer to the challenges of society at every moment.


Promoting teaching centres, as well as cultural and sports spaces.


Promoting the education of people from the Third World, thus contributing to the improvement of their opportunities.

Action lines

1. Assisting parents with their children´s educational task

  • Granting loans and scholarships while at school and university.
  • Promoting family guidance courses.
  • Organizing lectures, symposiums, seminars and talks.

2. Improving teaching quality

• Creating scholarships for the practical training of future teaching professionals.
• Granting economic aid for permanent teacher training.
• Contributing to the improvement of material resources in teaching centres.
• Granting economic aid to carry out other training activities: congresses, masters, specialization courses, etc.
• Financial support for other educational institutions.

3. Promoting educational research in order to give an answer to the challenges of society at every moment

  • Granting research scholarships to professionals and teaching centres.
  • Granting awards to educational innovation.
  • Editing and spreading experimental publications in the teaching world.
  • Backing up different research lines started by teaching centres.

4. Promoting teaching centres, as well as cultural and sports spaces

• Creating and maintaining teaching and research centres.
• Financial support to create halls of residence, colleges and libraries.
• Elaborating economic studies of the feasibility of educational schemes.
• Aiding those cultural and sports centres which foster the development of training and educational activities as well as promoting new ones.

5. Promoting the education of people from the Third World, thus contributing to the improvement of their opportunities

• Collaborating with educational and training schemes in the Third World: creating schools, building new facilities, scholarships, training workshops, etc.
• Organizing events to raise funds to improve the quality of education in these countries.


To finance our objectives we count on the funds voluntarily given by individuals, private organizations and public institutions.

The Board of the Foundation guarantees the correct administration of the raised funds and total transparency in their use, thus ordering an annual external audit. Likewise, Urki is subject to the control of the Board, administrative organ which sees to it that the purposes of the foundation are effectively fulfilled and verifies the application of its economic resources to the fulfillment of its general interest purposes.


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The Urki Foundation is governed by the Board of Trustees, whose members do not get any remuneration for the performance of their duties. Its functional structure is the following:

• Scholarships and training aids.
• Research and pedagogical innovation.
• Promoting cultural, educational and sports initiatives.
• Educational schemes in the Third World.
• Board.
• Economic-financial management.


1. Become a collaborating member

2. Give a donation


3. Finance a project

4. Leave your legacy


5. Spread our work


6. Donate your time


Phone. 94 464 66 88


3 + 12 =

Barrio Aiartza 5, 48180 Loiu (COAS)